COVID Operations with Phase 2

June 10, 2020; As Clark County is now in Phase 2 of COVID re-opening, our doors are open with some new protocol.  As you arrive in the office, there will be a place to sign in and answer symptom questions, a thermometer to guage your temperature and a supply of PPE (masks, gloves, sanitizer) if you don't already have your own.  Olson employees will also wear masks in the office and observe social distancing.  While our doors are open, it is in a limited way.  We are still depending on remote meetings, phone calls, and emails for the bulk of our day-to-day operations.  

Thank you for understanding and complying with the Phase 2 procedures.  We trust that this will be only temporary and Clark County will move on to the next level.  In the meantime, our aim is to follow state-mandated procedure and help keep our clients and team safe and well during this time.  We are excited to see our clients once more!